Environment & Energy

“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

(Quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry from the book “The Little Prince”)

Energy efficiency and environmental protection are a major part of our corporate culture at Amphenol-Air LB Gmbh. With careful evaluation of our products and the steps involved in their production, we seek to prevent and reduce any negative environmental impact. We are thus committed to acting in accordance with the following principles:

The management appoints the company’s quality management representative as environmental management representative (EMR) and energy management representative (EMB), who is responsible for setting up, documenting and managing the environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001 and the energy management system according to ISO 50001.

Furthermore, Amphenol-Air LB has a certified quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN 9100.

Both the environmental management and energy management systems are regularly (at least once a year) reviewed and documented by the environmental management or energy management officer in the form of internal audits.

Audit results are presented to the management to ensure that environmental and energy management is reviewed regularly and if necessary, revised and adjusted.

Both our environmental management and energy management systems are documented in the current management guidelines and relevant procedure instructions.

The management evaluates the environmental and energy management systems at least once a year by carrying out reviews.

Company environmental and energy policies are regularly disclosed to all Amphenol-Air LB employees and published on the respective departmental information boards. In addition, the documentation is made available to all employees on the intranet for transparency purposes, and to all other interested parties in paper form upon request.


certificate as a PDF: